“As a photographer and picture editor at the Hartford Courant I’ve had the pleasure to work closely with Jan on photo usage in the paper. Jan seems to have an innate talent that sets her apart and a sophisticated visual literacy for someone so fresh on the scene. Her understanding and appreciation of good photojournalism compliments her creative and design skills. Jan has been a joy to work with.”
— Cloe Poisson, Staff Photographer/Picture Editor, The Hartford Courant
“Jan has given us so many well-designed, easy-to-read pages throughout the newspaper – and she often works on two or three sections simultaneously. She’s a great problem solver and we editors rely on her suggestions. Whether Jan’s designing routine local news pages or working on NCAA championship or Election Night pages, she consistently turns out great work. She really cares, and it shows in our pages.”
— Nancy Gallinger, Assistant Editor, State Desk, The Hartford Courant
“Jan is more than a journalist. She is what I call a fusion journalist — combining the ethics, mission and professionalism of quality editorial work with an atypical range of expertise in making that work more visual, more tangible, more accessible to a contemporary audience. As one of the original staff of Western iMedia, the entrepreneurial editorial startup operated out of Western Kentucky University, Jan set the bar for the entire team with her superlative storytelling and design expertise.”
— Kerry J. Northrup, Newsplex founder & WKU professional-in-residence
“I have never met another intern who possessed Jan’s magical combination of initiative, talent and work ethic.”
— Matt Humphrey, Manager, Integrated Marketing Communications, NASCAR (former editor at Orlando Sentinel)
“Jan is someone I really look up to. I have the utmost respect for her not only on a personal level as her friend, but also on a professional level. She always puts her heart into her work. And her creative energy is contagious.”
— Mary Barczak, friend and colleague
“Jan is the most sincere and genuine person I know. Not only have I been lucky to work with her on several journalism projects, we have also become great friends. She is someone who I know I can always depend on.”